A puppy visitor at -30°F.
Location: Resolute, Nunavut, Canada
by John Huston
Hi. This is John calling in from Resolute Bay, Nunavut Territories, Canada. It is about 11 o'clock at night. Temperature is minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Winds are gentle and out of the north. And today we traveled a total of 100 meters in 1 minute.
Right now our tent is being bombarded by a 30-pound puppy who is running around the village and keeps trying to gain access to our tent. It's a little funny, but we don't want our tent to take any more abuse than it needs to, so little puppy claws are not nice, but the puppy is.
Today Tyler and I spent almost all day working with our sleds, our skis, and our tent. We have a large room to ourselves at the South Camp Inn, the hotel that we're staying at in Resolute. It's the normal place where people stay before they head up to the North Pole or other places north for expeditions. So it has a good heritage, which we really enjoy, and a bunch of other expedition teams here, some going up to the North Pole and some doing other Arctic expeditions.
We are scheduled to fly on March 1st, and that's Sunday, to Ward Hunt Island, so Tyler and I have a bunch of little things to do before we leave. I think we each are a little bit nervous and that's normal, that's the normal feeling, and we know that as soon as we get on the ice that things will be a whole lot more simple. That's one of the attractions to these expeditions. I think that's about all we have for you today. We'll keep it short and we'll try to do that from here on out. We're getting fatter and our sleds are getting lighter, but that trend will be different as we will get lighter and our sleds will get lighter on the expedition. OK, over and out, and thanks for listening.