by Tyler Fish
Our distance traveled today was .97 nautical miles, so about 1 nautical mile. And for this, the 7th day of March, day 6 of our expedition, these are the most hours we've traveled. I think about 7 and a half or so. And so it's not very far. It's probably our slowest day. But, we're still feeling pretty good about it. This morning the temperature was -58° F. And it is now -50° F and I'm making this call from the pseudo warmth of my sleeping bag.
The reason we did not go very far today is because of the rubble. And I know earlier on in the dispatch, I talked about the labyrinth that the rubble seemed to be creating for us. But this time, it was just more random. It was almost as though giants had strewn boulders all over the place. Or a mountain had crumbled down where we stood and all that was there was big large chunks of ice which we had to get over or around and it was really amazing how slow it was. But John I assured ourselves that, "we can't go faster". Going faster would just be unsafe. So we will just go as slow as we can and as far as we can and that's how it will be.
There were a few landmarks today. One was called the "ditch". I called it the "ditch". It was this huge trench running across our path which we had to sort of go down into and then out of. So, it was a very slow day and John and I had to be reminded that, you know, sometimes things are just slow. If you have a sports injury - you're a track runner and you sprain your ankle you're not going to go run a quarter mile the next day. It takes awhile.
We are well. We are here on the slow motion Arctic Ocean - what I called it today as I was trudging along on snowshoes. So, yeah, that's all I've got. Goodnight.
Daily Expedition Data
Date: March 7, 2009
Location: N83° 15.629', W074° 03.729'
Time Traveled: 7.5 hours
Distance Traveled: .97 nautical miles
Distance to North Pole: 406.03 nautical miles
AM Temperature: -58°F
PM Temperature: -50°F